This is a blog about motherhood and the creativity that is involved with life. It is also a chance to laugh, share and enjoy the stories from other mothers.
A friend of mine told me about this great website and book! It has some fantastic ideas of what to do with children of different ages and without the kiddos! Check it out!
Here is a recipe that makes only 2 cupcakes! YUM!! HOW PERFECT!! Most of the time I don't make cupcakes because I don't need as many as a box makes! This recipe makes 2 cupcakes and only uses 1 bowl!
A friend of mine who is a counselor was talking about this book with her two girls. Now that I have 2 kiddos my ears perked up! This might end up being a must read! ;)
this time around i am able to just breastfeed this baby (with my daughter i had to also use formula)! i need help with what is good to eat while feeding another person. i found this site that has recipes geared towards breastfeeding women!
My little man is here!! Glenn Anthony was born on June 10 at 5:16pm! 8lbs 13oz 20 1/4inches long!! I guess he is not too little! He is 2lbs 4ozs heavier than Gianna was when she was born! BIG BABY BOY!!
Here is a review for Tyler Florence's Start Fresh Cookbook. I just saw him on the Today Show and the recipes he made on the show looked fantastic for the whole family! This looks like a great cookbook if you are into making your own baby food. I did for Gianna until I went back to work and I would like to do the same for Glenn.
I have a few dresses that I love, but when I bought them I was wearing them a little shorter than I do now days. Here are directions on how you can make a shorter dress into the fashionable maxi dress!
Our little boy has been on his own time frame to say the least. He likes to tease! I had posted about a month ago about going into preterm labor. Well since week 37 I have gone to the hospital 2 more times thinking this is it and 2 times I have been sent home. So here I am 391/2 weeks preggers and swelling up in the heat! ;) I will be induced Friday morning so if he does not come sooner his birthday will be June 10, 2011
I LOVE THIS IDEA!! With making this project the kiddos work on fine motor skills with the painting but also by helping punch the holes! Such a great ego boost for them to see what they made proudly displayed! We might make one for fathers day!
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!! HOW EASY!! I need to come up with another way to make the tops not sharp because I don't have the special can opener that does that. I seriously want to do this in my hall closet where I store all the craft ideas! So fun!
OH MY GOODNESS HOW YUMMY AND FUN DOES THIS LOOK!!!! Oh bummer I can't get the picture to copy. You need to check this out. The directions don't look hard at all! FUN!