Thursday, May 31, 2012


Does anyone else have a husband that thinks it is a coincidence that both kids wake up at the time he is getting ready in the morning.......mine cannot put two and two together that he wakes them up when he is loudly closing doors and jumping down the stairs!  HAHA!!!  REALLY!?!?!  Aw the spouses!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Side walk chalk

We have made side walk chalk in the past but we made it again today! 
1 cup corn starch
 1 cup water
food coloring!
EASY!!  We had so much fun making our street a colorful beautiful masterpiece! 
We talked a lot about what colors mix to create other colors!

The colors are still bright!

She was mixing all the colors together!  We painted not only the street but also leaves!

"Mama how about if I paint with this stick!"  Why not give it a try! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

crib safety for babies under 1

The today show this morning did a spot about crib safety for babies under 1. More information about how you should not put anything in the baby's crib because there is an increase risk of SIDS.  Check it out...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ice skating in the living room!

This smart mama (not me the mama at One Perfect Day Blog) put bags on her kid's feet and let him skate around!  SO MUCH FUN I WANT TO DO IT MYSELF!!!! 

All you need is carpet, bags cut into rectangles and tape!  TA DAA!!!  FUN! 

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