A few days ago I posted a link to make felt gingerbread homes. Well this morning we made one! I could not get her pattern to download so I went a totally different way!! Here are the pics and how it turned out!

We used craft felt, hot glue gun, and fiber fill for this first part of creating the home!

I cut 4 pieces of red felt the bottom was squared off and the top was pointed. The bottom of the home is a square. I glued the bottom down first.

Then I glued up the sides

Then it is time to fill!!

I glued the points together

They did not fit all the way together (I can't cut straight no matter what I do!)

So I added snow to the top to cover up how the roof did not fit!

Then I gave Gianna a plate with glue on it. She used a paint brush to put the decorations on her house! I cut out a door and some trees for her but I also gave her some scraps and some cotton balls

The finished product!! Of course we added glitter! A little sparkle never hurt anyone!! ;)

Gianna decided her gingerbread house was really a house for her ELF!! SO CUTE!!!!