Thursday, June 24, 2010

Frozen Yogurt

Check out this idea I got from I want to do this for me!!!

Sorry it would not let me copy the picture.  If you click on the link it will take to you to the pictures.  What they did was take a little yogurt cup and stick a Popsicle stick in it, without taking off the foil lid.  Then put it in the freezer.  Once frozen you have a yummy cold treat on a stick!  Sounds fantastic!!!  I found the directions from the woman who came up with this great idea!  Click here to read just how she came up with the idea.

1 comment:

  1. So I did this and it is a great idea but,

    When you take it out of the freezer you need to run the plastic under warm water for a few seconds to get it out of the container.

    At this point in my life I don't have time to sit and eat a whole one, just too big. Maybe if I would have eaten it when Gianna was taking a nap that would have helped. Who knows.

    So the verdict is..... I will do this again!


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