Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A special walk!

I found this great 3 section organizer thing in the dollar section at Target!  I was excited because I knew it would be a great way to work with colors!  (I only bought 1 now I wish I would have bought another one for the little man in a couple of months!)  So this walk we looked for Brown, Black and Pink!!  The cool thing is each walk we can look for different colors just by switching out the squares!About to head out on the walk!

Searching without using to much energy...

Now the excitement was too much, she is off!

"Look mama something brown!" A nut!

Gianna also worked on fine motor skills by opening the container!

By the end of the walk we found something in each color!  YAY!! I was not sure if we could pull pink off but we found a wild flower!  So cool!!!

We will be doing this walk again soon!  So cool!  Check out your dollar section at Target!!!


  1. FAB! Love it! We will do this the next time we walk to the park!

  2. YAY!! That will be fun!! Post pics!!


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